7 January - Epiphany: Transformational moment of clarity and enlightenment
28 January - Community and having a voice
4 February - Discipleship 201
11 February - Transfiguration Sunday
18 February - First Sunday of Lent: Metanoia
25 February - Second Sunday of Lent
3 March - Lent 3: Signs and Cleansing
10 March - Lent 4: Look Up!
17 March - Lent 5: Transformation
24 March - Sixth Sunday of Lent (Palm & Passion Sunday): Power of Crowds
31 March - Easter Day: Finding Easter Eggs
7 April - Community and Light
14 April - Living as Easter People
21 April - Psalm 78 v.72
28 April - Timmy’s Blanket
5 May - Love one another, as I have loved you
12 May - Holding on and letting go
19 May - Pentecost: Where the Spirit moves
26 May - Lilith, Adam's first wife
2 June - Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy
9 June - The lowly become family
16 June - We walk by faith, not by sight
23 June - All at sea
30 June - Like Jesus, no one is one-dimensional