Growing in Faith

Daring to question and to act

Jesus questioned traditional religious practices as well as the oppressive power and religion of the Roman empire. He proclaimed a life-giving message of love.

As we grow as Christians, we need to question earlier childish understandings of faith that aren’t much use to us personally or to our society.

The Uniting Church thinks of itself as a Pilgrim Church which is on the move and which is open to new experiences in the world.

On this page we hope to give you resources that will help you in your own growth and questioning.


Sermon by the Right Rev Marian Budde at the Washington National Cathedral


Munther Isaac at the Riverside Church in New York August 2024

An illustration from our Sunday Morning Service on Dec 15

Interaction Institute for Social Change Artist Angus Maguire


The Cross, The Resurrection, and Gaza


by Alistair

Art can challenge us to look differently at our faith. Art can also be interpreted in different ways. One interpretation of this work of art is that it is about how church buildings and structures can get in the way of the glory of God. What is your interpretation? How does it help you reflect on your faith?

Books that members of the congregation are reading

Two books that Sue Baglow found useful in the preparation of the worship service of November 10.


At our Agape service on Sunday the 27th of October, Joan Palmer used and recommended the following two excellent books.



“Gustavo Gutierrez: A Lasting Legacy of Liberation of Hope” by Yenny Delgado


The Widow’s Mites – Praise of Lament? – A matter of context by Addison G Wright

Beyond A Fetal Position by Walter Brueggemann (A reflection following the US election)

Local discussions

Wine Cheese and a Theologian is a local initiative that meets most months to engage with a relevant theologian in a friendly and supportive environment.



Websites for questioning.

U C Forum promotes open discussion on progressive Christianity in the Uniting Church in Australia


The Marcus J Borg Foundation continues the work of questioning of Marcus Borg    

The Westar Institute Pursues honest and rigorous inquiry on the origins and cultural implications of the Christian tradition through critical, collaborative, and cumulative scholarship.    

Walter Brueggemann blog is a blog by an eminent Old Testament scholar

New Testament scholar, John Squires, has a topical blog, An Informed Faith


Websites for Reflection

3 Minute Retreat from Loyola Press


Our Library                  

We have an extensive library - some 400 titles - of books available for loan, located in the Brindabella Room. As it incorporates the library of the former Centre for Progressive Religious Thought, there is a large number of books by writers offering different perspectives; however that is only part of the holdings. You can browse the following catalogues:

You can come and browse - and borrow - on Friday mornings when Coffee 'n' Chat is on, after morning services, or after other in person events such as Gathering@6. For other times, contact to find out if the premises are open and the library able to be accessed at the time you wish to drop in.

A Thought from Walter Brueggemann

It is the truth itself that is in jeopardy among us, the truth that God intends the transformation of the world into a community, the truth that God intends haves and have-nots to be in it together, the truth that the outsiders of the world are insiders to God's regime, the truth that hospitality as a strategy is more adequate that vengeance: all of this is at risk in a society that does not notice and that does not pay attention.

A Gospel of Hope, Hodder and Stoughton, 2018, page 63

We are all on a journey