Jesus practised radical inclusion!
Woden Valley Uniting Church welcomes all, regardless of age, race, creed, gender, cultural background or sexual orientation.
Sunday morning “in-person” worship, our main service, is held at 10 am in the Main Hall. You don't have to dress in any particular way, and you can sit anywhere you like; there are no 'reserved' or 'usual' seats. The services are also usually broadcast live via Zoom. To access the broadcast, use this link: Sunday Worship Service
The Order of Service for Christmas Day is here.
Christmas Period Services
There will be no service at Curtin on Sunday, 29 December.
You may wish to attend the 9:00 service at Weston Creek or join with the Yarralumla congregation at their BBQ “Church in the Park”.
"Church in the Park" is at 10.30 am, at Weston Park. It is Church in a public setting sharing in fellowship, hearing some readings for the First Sunday after Christmas and have a time of reflection. A BBQ lunch will be shared - so please indicate whether you are able to come so we can ensure there is enough food. The Church will provide meat and bread, people are invited to bring a salad or side dish. There is some limited seating at Weston Park, so you're advised to bring a chair and table if you'd like or a picnic rug. If it is raining, we will meet at the church.
For details, contact Ian Lynch by phone at 0475425269 or email at
For the first 3 Sundays of January there is a long-established tradition of shared services:
You will find in our Services familiar elements of a Uniting Church service of worship with a message, prayers and hymn singing. Passing of the Peace is always practised. We usually sing a Psalm. We value Biblical scholarship and progressive Christian theology. Participation of members of the congregation in the service, for example in leading prayers, is encouraged. Usually at the end of the service we share joys and concerns.
Communion is offered on the 4th Sunday of the month. If you are joining the morning service on Zoom, you are encouraged to have some bread and juice or wine on hand in order to participate in the sacrament at the appropriate time.
For those gathering in person, there is morning tea/coffee following the service.
The Meditation Group is in recess until the New Year
We are a small group whose members value meditating together. Our weekly meeting comprises readings and music structured around 20 mins of silence, with an opportunity for some discussion at the end of the session.
The guidance we offer follows the practice of the World Community of Christian Meditation (WCCM)
Over the past several years our readings have included material from WCCM and Quaker traditions, Thich Nat Hanh and Tim Costello’s 2016 book Faith.
Gathering@6 is in recess until February
Gathering@6 is a small informal evening service “in the round”. It has three main elements: a simple liturgy including music; sharing of joys and concerns, about our own lives and about the wider world; and a discussion led by one of the group.
The topics discussed have included: The notion of pilgrimage; looking again at the Apostles Creed; 'It's a Man's World. Through whose lens is the story told?'; Tolkien and theology; and study of Bible passages, principally from the Gospels of Mark and John. The topics for the month can be found at the Our news tab.
Meditation Group and Gathering@6 meet via Zoom, except for the third Sunday of the month, when we join the prayer service in the form of Taize at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Burnie Street, Lyons, at 5.30 pm.
For all our Sunday services and activities, special arrangements apply over the Christmas/ new year period up until the start of the school year.
Visitors to all of our Sunday services and activities are most welcome.
For more info and Zoom links see the entry in the Calendar of What's On tab or contact