Community Mural - Expressions of Interest

14 May 2024 by Janet Kay in: Our news

Link to pdf

Woden Valley Uniting Church is calling for Expressions of Interest and an idea of costs, to undertake a mural on the western side of its Church Buildings in Curtin. The besser block buildings face Carruthers St on the northern side of the Curtin Shops, with the carpark entrance at 40 Gillies St Curtin. The Halls are used for worship, for meetings, community activities, and other events. We are a community focussed progressive Christian Church, with strong engagement with social justice, and an open faith. Our motto is ‘Dare to Question, Dare to Act’.

The mural will be on a wall set among a garden with gum trees adjacent. The space is in 2 sections which total around 14 metres wide, and between 5 and 6.7 metres high. There is a fire door with steps and a railing at one end. See photos below.

The mural could be one mural crossing the walls, or it could be a series of murals. We can look at using a portion of the wall for simplicity and to keep the project affordable. We would want the mural(s) to reflect our location in the Woden Valley, the significance of the original
inhabitants of the valley, our concern for refugees and local community members in need.

We would want to acknowledge the Uniting Church in a logo or similar, and to acknowledge that this is a centre for spiritual growth, reflection, music and prayer. It is also a meeting place for community groups. The wall is passed by local community members daily, primarily on foot
but also by car along Carruthers St, and should be eye catching, attractive, and draw people in.

We invite those interested to respond as follows:

  1. Note capacity and previous experience in undertaking the design and painting of murals on external surfaces, including advice on any preparation required for the wall.
  2. Some initial ideas in response to the brief.
  3. Timeframes, approximate costs
  4. Willingness to meet with Church members to discuss ideas and options for the project.

A full project plan will be submitted prior to the agreement of the Church.

For more information contact
Expressions of Interest to be sent to
Closing date: June 7, 5pm.
Photos of Church wall below.