Carols and other Christmas events

2 Dec 2024 by Janet Kay in: Our news

We invite you to join in any of the events this December involving our church community:

Carols on the Block Holy Trinity School Hall (Changed from opp Curtin Shops)

Saturday 7 December from 6.45pm. 

Community carols with Weston Winds concert band, organised by the 3 churches of Curtin and Holy Trinity Primary School. Free BBQ, tea, coffee and Christmas cake. 

(Addition: 5/12/24)

Because there is a very high chance of showers and the possibility of a storm on Saturday the 7th, it has been decided to move Carols the Block to the Holy Trinity School Hall on Theodore St in Curtin.

While the location has changed the  program remains the same as will the availability of free BBQ, drinks and Christmas cake.

Please come along on Saturday night and join with others from Curtin and elsewhere in Canberra to hear again the Christmas story through the community singing of carols, with several special items  including by the Holy Trinity school choir.  

 Starting time of 6.45pm remains the same.


Community Carols @ Pearce shops

Monday 9 December at 7pm. 

Community carols featuring: The Resonants, Canberra Chordsmen, and Sacred Heart’s Heartsong Children’s Choir.


Lessons and Carols - in the WVUC hall

Sunday 15 December at 7pm.

Service followed by supper. Congregational carol singing, Biblical and other readings about the themes and meanings of Christmas.


 Lighting a candle for peace

Christmas eve at 5pm in the Brindabella Room at WVUC. Readings and music. A time of reflection for world peace.

Christmas Day service 10am WVUC hall