A wide variety of groups and activities

Social Groups

Friday Coffee 'n' Chat

10.30 – noon every Friday. All welcome. A time to share freshly brewed coffee - or  tea, - and chat. Pop in briefly, or stay until the end (midday) or anything in between. 

 Groups meeting at Curtin

  • Spiral ACT – 10.00 am Thursday (Contact: Brett Yeats yeatsb@iinet.net.au or 6281 7684)  This long-established group provides an opportunity for older people to get together to hear interesting or entertaining speakers, enjoy entertainment items and share morning tea.  

  • Playgroups: 10.00 am to 12 noon Wednesday and 9.30am to 11.30am, Good Shepherd Playgroup.

Groups meeting at other locations

  • Network Lunches –  This monthly social gathering open to all is held at a local venue such as the Hellenic Club, or Snapper on the Lake. For details of the next get together, contact Helen hsahhar@bigpond.com

Theological and Social Justice Groups

Against the Wind

For more information on Against the Wind visit its separate webpage.

Wine Cheese and a Theologian

We are discussing the work of Mariann Budde this month. You can find the details here.

Street library

We have a street library set up near the entrance to the church buildings in Gillies Street, near the path to the Curtin shopping centre. Open to anybody who would like to read and swap books!